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Number Name Variation Meaning
1 Fuel Used Green Fuel used by the engines (multiplies of 10 kg/20 lb).
Amber dashed Value accuracy is degraded and fuel flow not valid.
2 Oil Quantity Green Oil quantity is normal (0 to 25 QT).
Amber Oil quantity below the oil advisory limit (1.35 QT).
3 N1, N2 Vibrations Green Vibration of the LP(HP) rotor is in normal range.
Amber Level of LP(HP) rotor vibration is excessive.
4 Landing Elevation LDG ELEV AUTO Appears green when LDG ELEV selector is AUTO.
LDG ELEV MAN Appears green when LDG ELEV selector is not in AUTO.
Elevation in ft Landing elevation selected either automatically by the FMGS or manually by the pilot appears in green (but not when the MODE SEL pushbutton switch is in MAN).
5 Cabin Differential Pressure Green ∆P Appears green when normal. Pulses green when ∆P >= 1.5 psi before landing.
Amber ∆P Outside normal range: ∆P <= - 0.4 psi or >= 8.5 psi.
6 Cabin Vertical Speed Green Normal range.
Pulsing Green Pulses when V/S > 1.750 ft/min (resets at 1.650 ft/min).
7 Cabin Altitude Green Normal range.
Pulses Above 8.800 ft (resets at 8.600 ft).
Red Above 9.550 ft.
8 A/C Zones Green Designated zone and corresponding temperature.

Last update: September 13, 2023